
Someone at camp mentioned itunes not keeping your playslists, et al, when you reinstall--I just did a fully hard drive wipe/windows re-install, and instead of reimporting anything, I just deleted the contents of the newly created itunes music folder, and replaced it with the old--including the library data file--and it kept all of the playlists.

pretty sweet.


Swiss residence by Steven Holl, in DC.

Herzog & De Meuron's portraits from the wall of notable Swiss.

Custom door hardware detail shots.

Rear terrace.

more photos
Apparently there is some tradition of rubbing the breasts on this statue outside of the Williams and Tsien buildings at Hopkins.

We made it inside a dance studio in one of the buildings. A pretty cool space with a seating nook on the far side from the entrance, the fin wall sets off the area witha different lighting condition. We bothered to close the curtain on the circular track.