
Forget all this highfalutin architecture talk. I want to talk about the Internets. Specifically, an old chestnut I recently rediscovered called Brad: The Game. Brought to you in 1997 by the guy who would later go on to publish The Brick Testament.. and not much else. Take the half hour and admire the ultra lo-fi black, grey and green and see if you can survive long enough to go bonk Sandy.


Steven Holl's Bellevue Art Museum has this great glass encased stair.
it shows up on the second level in the main central space, and you can see how the light dramatically changes to a bright green glow as it crosses over to an external face on the interior roof courtyard.
the circles of rubber held down by bricks were blocking out light from the circular skylights in the ceiling of the main central space.


some highlights from olympic sculpture park.
building with grass amphitheater steps from above and below.
serra's wake, which amusingly you are not allowed to touch.
angled overlapping retaining walls with expansion material betwen the joints, letters cut to sit vertical on the canted interior face, and a "shadow line" of exposed aggregate just pass the overlap [if you look carefully in the 4th large picture you can make it out].
calder and the awesome hammock-nest-pods.


ballard library by bohlin cywinski jackson.
shaped columns with pin connections U-bracketed onto the glu-lam beams.
vegetative roof.

a few hastily composited images of steven holl's chapel of st. ignatius.
my favorite is the single metal plate that is cut, bent, and the tab rolled to form the base of the candle holders.

however many years behind the japanese, some cool vending machines from dfw airport.
the ipod was stocked with ipods, accessories, and even a couple of canon digicams.

the motorola had phones and accessories--and i used forgetting my charger at home as an excuse to buy a new one. credit card and touch screen, and not at all overpriced.


Serra Weekend.

So when is it? We are probably going to go up next weekend(21/22), but we're planning on seeing it twice. The first two weekends in August work for us. So does the last weekend. Jesse Kretschmer is visiting sometime in August, so that might work especially well to all meet up for a weekend. We'll be doing it on the cheap. Chinatown bus and staying at our friend's place in Brooklyn.

Let's discuss.


So I was going to post this as a comment, but Ryan's initial bed post has been pushed from the main page. I found this on my friend Paul's page on MySpace. He works for Wonk, which is a furniture company in Brooklyn. I don't know if he designed it or not, but I'm sure he had a hand in it.