
Got a questionaroni. It has to do with internet bookmarks. Specifically the taxonomy of said bookmarks. They are spiralling out of control for me. I have found a plug in I like (Foxmarks for Firefox) and now I need to organize. I would love if there existed a convention for this. Sounds like there should be an iso protocol. As there is not one that I'm aware of, and I don't see how the Dewey Decimal system helps me, I'm asking for your help. Does anyone have a good system that they have developed? Or know of a resource? Now that I'm thinking about it more, maybe the DD would work. Seems like I'd have all of mine stashed in the 700's.


R. Simpson said...

man, it's tough being cool an having your hands all in the internets?

how many bookmarks do you keep?

i clean mine out regularly except the essential personals--and at work i do keep a few sub-folders, "arch firms, arch blogs, etc."

R. Simpson said...

foxmarks is awesome.

Jason said...

another convert.