
I've been thinking of attempting to initiate an online book club on carlitos. This was brought on because I'm rereading Frampton's Studies in Tectonic Culture and some of his section on tradition left me scratching my head. I'm not sure how well it would work. I would enjoy the obligation to write a response and have more time to proofread my thoughts as it were. It might be a little more difficult to engage when conversations take place over several days.

All of this questioning is rendered moot by a new thread on Archinect. This will allow us to see how an online book club might work. And as its already architecture oriented, it will be a very applicable model.

I also don't read enough these days and I thought this 'encouraged' reading might help me regain my appetite for books. I still like buying them, just don't get around to reading them quickly.


Anonymous said...

Um. This is an interesting idea, but I will not be participating.

Meghan said...

yeah. Graham doesn read... but I do! Sign me up! And since its not a daily obligation, there is a good chance I wont flake out, again.